BC Fruit and Vegetable Nutritional Program (+ MILK)
Our School is involved in a province-wide healthy living initiative. One of the goals is to encourage healthy eating by providing fresh BC fruit and vegetables to our students during class time. Our students will receive these healthy treats 12 times over the school year at no charge!
For students in grades K-5, there is also the option to have milk delivered along with the fruit and veggies, again, at no charge.
A permission slip will go home with students at the beginning of each school year.
Hot Lunch
BES has a wonderful Parent, Dawn Grudzinski that is running our free hot lunch program this year through our Feeding Futures Fund. Dawn provides a nutritious hot lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays each week. She sends out a monthly menu to advise families in advance of what is being served, in case there are days that students will want to opt out.
Breakfast program
We have an exciting new, free, breakfast program running this year through our Feeding Futures Fund. This program is run by Dawn Grudzinski. She provides a hot, nutritious breakfast, every Wednesday for our students.
Gardening Program
BES works closely with the Bee Happy, Burton Community Garden to learn about the importance of food security in our community. Students from BES visit the Community Garden several times in the Spring/Summer to learn about and help grow different crops. BES then re-visits the Community Garden in the Fall to help harvest the crops.