Burton Elementary School

Growth Plan

BES Growth Plan Goals

  • Goal #1: “How can targeted and innovative professional development initiatives empower educators to enhance teaching practices?
    • Background: Generic professional development opportunities have had minimal impact on teaching and learning. Teachers are passionate about pursuing professional development directly connected to their classroom goals. When teachers have agency in the topics they choose, they are most effective in developing new competencies that impact the learning of the students they serve. 
  • Goal #2: “How can our school actively engage with the local community to foster meaningful partnerships and enhance student learning experiences?
  • Goal #3: “How can our school effectively challenge and support students to achieve reading, writing, and numeracy proficiency across diverse learning contexts and abilities?”
    • Background: FSA and District Assessments indicate that SZ students have a wide range of abilities relative to grade level. Differentiation is critically important and an area we want to focus on to address needs in fluency and comprehension in both literacy and numeracy.
    • We will focus on aligning our school-based and benchmark assessments and using the data to create learning groups that meet students where they are. We will use multiple methods to lower teacher-to-student ratios and target instruction to meet needs. 
    • We know we are making a difference by closely monitoring student progress in class (conversations, observations, and products), regular class review meetings, district and provincial assessment data, and our benchmark assessments.